I've been looking into Orange fashion a little bit lately, to realise that there isn't really such a thing.
But, I was up in my room when i found an old (womens) Orange jumpsuit hidden underneath a dressing gown on the back of my door. I bought it a few years back when I was in college in a sample sale at an adidas shop. I struggle to recall why. So anyway, i put it on:

But it was far too small.
I figured I could probably pull it off with a B-Boy twist by tying the upper half round my waist, wearing one leg rolled up some and rocking some puma suedes. Of course styling it right out by busting a B-Boy pose:

I still wasn't feeling it.
But then I looked in my wardrobe and came across a sleeveless puffa jacket I'd made in college (or rather my mum made according to my design), and it was half Orange, and i knew it would finish the look off:

There is a practicality issue with this outfit for an extended bike tour, however, so I'll probably end up not using it. I might actually make some trousers from the boiler suit though. I'll keep you updated.