22 October 2010

16 September 2010

05 September 2010

04 September 2010

Orange Bike Photo No. 35, 36, 37




A Towel and a Pumpkin.

I stayed with a couple of very generous hosts in Belgrade, Aleksander and Milica. They kindly housed me and my big Orange bike for a few days, cooked me excellent food, gave me excellent information about routes, and very good company. But they also gave me, knowing that i had shortly before lost my own, a towel:

Thank you Aleksander and Milica.

A few days after leaving them, and Belgrade behind, i bumped into a couple of old friends from the road. We camped together one night by a field with pumpkins. In the morning, we took one, and that night, having cycled into Romania, cooked up a huge and excellent pumpkin soup.

24 August 2010

Orange Bike Photo No. 34

Belgrade, Serbia.
This is a photograph of a booze shop. Taking this photograph secured me a couple of free beers with the guy who was working there, a nice hour spent chatting with him behind the shop, and an invite to coffee the following morning.
I love Serbia.

Not An Orange Bike Photo No. 12

Multicoloured, Serbia.

Orange Bike Ride Photo No. 32, 33


15 August 2010

01 August 2010

Orange Bike Photo No. 26

Czech Republic

Not an Orange Bike Photo No. 9 and 10

Blue, Czech Republic
Yellow (Wall and car), Czech Republic

28 July 2010

24 July 2010

Orange Bike Photo No. 23, 24 and 25.

Elbe Ferry, Germany.

Wittenberg, Germany.

Not an Orange Bike Photo No. 5, 6 and 7


Yellow, Germany.

Magenta, Germany.